For scientists

Are you a researcher in the field of type 1 diabetes? Maybe you can apply for JDRF's research funding. We don't want to waste the money we gain. That means that scientists are required to go through our Application Review Process. The most important things in applying for research funding are put together on this webpage.

For scientists

JDRF International

JDRF Nederland is part of an international organisation. The office of JDRF International in New York makes the decissions in research funding. JDRF funds research into different fields of treatment, curing and prevention of type 1 diabetes. At the JDRF Grand Center you can apply for research funding.

JDRF Grant Center

Application Review Process

Decisions on funding are based on the quality, mission relevance, and priority of the proposed research. We encourage submission of innovative, high-risk/high-reward, field-changing research proposals to accelerate its mission. Information on our research strategy and current priorities can be found here. In addition to the process below, generally, applications undergo a pre-review process.

To JDRF's strategy and priorities

Administration check

The first hurdle applications have to pass is an ‘administration’ check.
Applications that are not completed properly or do not fit in with our
overall strategy are eliminated first.

Stage 1

At stage 1 our scientific team carries out the first review. They call on external reviewers and advisory committees (including lay members) to advise them on most applications. And all applications for larger amounts of funding, all clinical studies and all opportunities involving companies are reviewed in this way.

To assess the scientific merit and validity of any proposal, criteria for review include:

  • Scientific validity and merit of proposed research
  • Technical feasibility of proposed research
  • Significance of the research:
    Impact on accelerating discovery, development, or evaluation of type 1 diabetes therapeutics
    Potential translation to human type 1 diabetes
    Addressing a critical research gap
  • Innovation:
    Potential for change in a paradigm
    Potential for a seminal discovery
    Novel approaches to solving a problem
  • Ability to complete the research in the funding period

Stage 2

The applications that make it past stage 1 are then looked at by the senior management team of our Research department. This team decides on how each application fits in with our research strategy and our specific research goals. This team is particularly interested in projects that they think can be developed into real therapies fastest.

Additional criteria for review include:

  • Relevance of the proposed research to our overall goals
  • Relevance of the proposed research to specific research priorities
  • Relevance of the proposed research in complementing our existing project portfolio

Stage 3

If the application makes it to stage 3, the final decision on whether the project gets funded rests with the JDRF president (for projects with smaller budgets) or, for all other projects, with the executive research committee of our board of directors (approximately half of this committee are lay people).

Want to know more? Send an email

Want to apply?

Do you want to apply for our research funding? Click the button below.

Apply at the JDRF Grant Center